Sr. Mern Stack Developer

Create Ngen is looking for a curious Senior Mern Stack Developer to join our team! The position will include building great products, tackling interesting challenges, and contributing to our engineering culture. We expect you to work in pairs, use test-driven development, be experienced in building complex web applications, and write clean and maintainable code.

Your Skills
  • Proficiency in JavaScript, including ES6+ syntax
  • Experience with front-end technologies such as React.js and Redux
  • Strong understanding of HTML5 and CSS3, including responsive design principles
  • Experience with back-end technologies such as Node.js and Express.js
  • Knowledge of database technologies like MongoDB, including schema design and querying
  • Familiarity with RESTful APIs and asynchronous programming
  • Experience with cloud platforms, preferably AWS (Amazon Web Services), for deployment and scalability
  • Knowledge of AWS services like EC2, S3, Lambda, and CloudFront
  • Ability to configure and deploy applications using AWS Elastic Beanstalk or AWS Amplify
  • Understanding of real-time web technologies such as for implementing WebSocket-based communication
  • Expertise in Next.js for server-side rendering (SSR) and building production-ready React applications
  • Knowledge of routing, data fetching, and API integration in Next.js
  • Proficiency in Redux Toolkit (RTK) for state management in React applications
  • Understanding of Redux concepts such as actions, reducers, and selectors
  • Experience with RTK's simplified API for Redux setup and configuration
  • Version control using Git
  • Understanding of Agile development methodologies
  • Ability to work in a team environment and communicate effectively
Your Responsibilities
  • End-to-end product development
  • Write reusable and maintainable code
  • Write tests to thoroughly validate the correctness of your code
  • Actively contribute to the identification of problems and their solutions
  • Collaborate in a cross-functional team to ensure the project meets business objectives and compliance standards